How to reset your password

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This page shows how to change your password, in the case where you have forgotten it, or have never had one.
From the main portal entry page, click on the "Email me a new password" link.

Note, as it says below the Log In box, if you have had five unsuccessful attempts to log in, then your account will be locked. Setting a new password will not help, you must contact the club registrar to unlock the account.
Phone and email details for the Registrar are on page 2 of Wheel Spin.

On this page, enter your "UserName" into the box, the click the "submit" button.
Your UserName is shown on your membership renewal form. It always consists of two letters, (which are your initials), followed by your member number (1-4 digits).

Within thirty minutes, you should receive an email from "" with a new, randomly generated password.
This will allow you to log in to the Portal. Once logged in, you may change the password to something simpler to remember if you wish.

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